Attachment Ideas for your Shopdogs
Listed below are just some ideas of interchangeable attachments that you can make for you Shopdogs. You imagination is your only limitation to the possibilities.
Miter Saw Stand Attachment

You can easily make a portable miter saw stand using a single Shopdog. Just use any length of 2X material for the main support and build a couple of simple extension wings. You'll have a stand that is flexible and breaks down in seconds. Compare this to the metal stands you see in the big box for hundreds of dollars.
Plans are coming soon if you need them.
Estimated cost using new materials:
$ 12.25
Plans are coming soon if you need them.
Estimated cost using new materials:
$ 12.25
Clampping Support Attachment

Are you tired of having your bar clamps fall over everytime you try to adjust them? Want a clampping station for gluing projects that allows you to have full access to the underside of the project to ensure proper alignment? This clamp support is adjustable to any length of clamps.
Estimated cost using new materials:
$ 1.75
Estimated cost using new materials:
$ 1.75
Padded Project Support Attachment

This particular attachment comes in handy when you are finishing a project or working on a project that you do not want to get scratched up.
Estimated cost using new materials:
$ 7.75
Estimated cost using new materials:
$ 7.75
Pipe Clamp or Cylinderical Stock Attachment

Nothing is more frusterating than working with pipe and having it roll off the end of a work bench. This attachment allows you to hold a variety cylinderical stock securely while you work. It is also ideal for holding pipe clamps in place while you are using them.
Estimated cost using new materials:
$ 1.75
Estimated cost using new materials:
$ 1.75
Extension Support Attachment

By using length of 2X material you can create a support surface that will accomindate any length or width of project.
Estimated cost using new materials:
Varies with material lengths
Estimated cost using new materials:
Varies with material lengths
Giddy Up!

With this attachment you can turn your Shopdogs into the fastest little filly in the shop. Your kids or grandkids will get a kick out of this one.
If plans are needed they will be coming soon. Check back partner!
Estimated cost using new materials:
$ 8.00
If plans are needed they will be coming soon. Check back partner!
Estimated cost using new materials:
$ 8.00